What is biogas?
Biogas is produced from the anaerobic fermentation of residual waste from livestock (dung, manure and uneaten food), food industry byproducts (fruit and vegetable scraps residues meat, fish and dairy, brewery waste, food waste and much more) and industrial effluent from waste water treatment plants.
With the construction of biogas plants, agriculture plays an important contribution to the supply of energy from renewable sources and the disposal of organic waste. The digestate product from the cycle of biogas can be used as high quality fertilizer that closes the agronomic cycle.
Biogas is produced by anaerobic digestion of organic materials in a sealed fermenter. This fermenter transforms organic materials into biogas using methane-producing bacteria through a complex biological process at about 38-55 °C. More than half of the resulting gas is methane (CH4); the rest is carbon dioxide (CO2).
The anaerobic digestion process can be divided into three different types depending on the operating temperatures:
Psychrophilic: 15-30 °C > long-term, low gas yield, sensitive fermentation process
Mesophilic: 30-45 °C > medium-term good gas yield
Thermopylae: 45-60 °C > short-lived, very good performance of the gas.
Biogas advantages
-Energy derived from natural and renewable sources
-Production of green electricity and thermal energy
-Possibility of access to incentives (tax breaks, green certificates, energy sales, energy saving)
-Reduction of atmospheric emissions of CO2
-Use of digestate as fertilizer of high quality
-Nitrogen removal from sewage
-Perfect integration in the agronomic cycle
The technology applied by NBT allows to cover all power requirements with modularity in digesters (single or multiple), producing biogas exclusively from renewable sources.
Are proposed types of plants which use urban organic waste (F.O.R.S.U.), agricultural waste (manure, slurry), animal waste products and crops (corn, rice, straw, etc.).
The system featuring anaerobic plants NBT is the result of a continuous technological evolution, which has the aim to manage in the best way substrates with complexed biologically characteristics and physically heterogeneous, in order to obtain the maximum yields.
The key element is represented by the extreme flexibility in the management of the biomass in the fermentation step which, through a centralized pumping station, allows to transfer it from one tank to another at any time, so as to obtain a biologically stable and flexible process .
The primary and secondary digesters are designed to have very efficient mixing characteristics with extremely low consumption, hindering in this way the inert deposits on the bottom, and allowing to manage with high precision the temperature of the digestate in mesophilic or thermophilic, mode.
The loading phase of liquid and solid biomass is designed with the aim to obtain a pumpable mixture to be introduced into the system directly to the central pumping station and then sorted to the digesters.
The plus of the NBT system
- Modular system from 60 kW to multiple MW single and two stage
- Dual charging system to handle each type of biomass input
- Digesters glass fused to steel with optimized geometry
- Pumping station centralized for a highly flexible system
- System of vertical mixing with excellent performance at low energy consumption
- Excellent temperature control that allows you to manage schemes mesophilic and thermophilic
- Unload system that prevents the accumulation of inert
- Desulphurization of biogas with biological system
- Software control of each function and primary and secondary parameter
From project to construction
NBT offers design, realization, management and control services for plants, with customized solutions aimed at maximizing efficiency at the lowest costs possible. Dependability is the product of experience and of accurate verification of variables. This is why pilot tests are the pillar and guarantee of success for the project.
NBT has a laboratory for pilot testing and feasibility studies, also in the field. It also performs:
Fermentation tests
Analyses of the quality of the various substrates
Verification of the digestate and any treatments required
NBT accompanies its customers in their choice of financial partner through the development of detailed business plan and required documents
NBT assists his client in the development of the authorization procedures with the operator of the electricity network, with municipal, regional and national institutions
An experienced technical department develops projects in all its phases: preliminary, executive, constructive
The specialized team of NBT follows the construction of the plant in every detail, in respect of the quality of the components and on schedule
An experienced team of people consisting of biologists, engineers and technicians is involved in the start up of the plant
Thanks to its Full Service contracts, the company is able to offer complete service which includes maintenance, technical servicing and biological support